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INNOVATE 2 #2 - Strategies to improve awareness of PrEP and identification of barriers and facilitators related to CAB LA for PrEP uptake:

List of Countries eligible to participate: Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom and United States

Example research questions, but not limited to:
   a) How can awareness be increased in people who have never used PrEP and how can they be connected to PrEP services?

   b) What specific tools or settings promote identification of PWBP and/or facilitate the conversation around HIV PrEP options?

   c) What are the key drivers or barriers related to uptake of CAB LA for PrEP? And what strategies can be employed to address barriers?

INNOVATE 2 RFP Submission Summary.pdf
INNOVATE 2 RFP Application Instructions.pdf
INNOVATE 2 RFP Concept Template.docx
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